Our privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us

  • What kind of personal information we collect from you

  • How we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information

We are committed to protecting your privacy, at this policy you will find:

In accordance with NDIS and relevant privacy legislation in order to provide a safe working environment and high quality services we are committed to treat you in a dignified way that maintains your personal privacy.

Confidentiality and a right to privacy is paramount when providing speech pathology, occupational therapy and psychology intervention to a participant/client and family.

Our policies and procedures relating to privacy and confidentiality, including providing any information written or verbal to other supporting bodies regarding the participant/client are at the forefront of our service and consistently upheld with all of our staff.

  1. What kind of personal information do we collect and hold?

    In this Policy “personal information” means information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained. To provide our services to clients, we need to know personal information about them and others, including:

    • names, ages, dates of birth, genders, and other identifying information;

    • Medicare and health fund details (including Medicare numbers and health fund insurers and the extent of their coverage);

    • developmental, medical, ethnic, language, cultural and social histories (including medications, diagnoses, surgeries, and allergies);

    • details about disabilities, impairments, challenges, barriers and facilitators;

    • family histories, to the extent they may be relevant to our services;

    • work and education histories;

    • hobbies, motivations, interests, and activities in which clients and their families like to participate;

    • financial information concerning the ability of clients to pay for our products and services;

    • details related to the NDIS, including details of negotiations, assessments, plans and packages;

    • call records, wireless locations, and unique web browser details (when you use our products and services, including online services)

    For sensitive information – such as information about your health that is reasonably necessary for us to provide you with services or products – we will seek your informed consent.

  2. How we collect information?

    We collect personal information through various ways including paper and electronic forms, online portals, written correspondence, face to face and over the phone discussions. If it is reasonable and practical to do so, we will collect personal information directly from the individual or their authorised representatives.

    We may also collect personal information from third parties in a variety of circumstances including, but not limited to:

    • in the lodgement of a complaint

    • in the context of compliance and enforcement activities

    • in carrying out registration and other statutory functions

    • recruiting our employees and contractors

    When your personal information is collected, we will take reasonable steps to inform you about why the information is collected and how it will be handled. We may not inform you where:

    • you have consented to the collection of your personal information from a third party

    • we are required or authorised by law to collect the personal information from third parties, or

    • it would not be reasonable or practicable to notify you that we have collected your personal information (for example, were notification could jeopardise an ongoing investigation)

    • details related to the NDIS, including details of negotiations, assessments, plans and packages;

    • call records, wireless locations, and unique web browser details (when you use our products and services, including online services)

    For sensitive information – such as information about your health that is reasonably necessary for us to provide you with services or products – we will seek your informed consent.

  3. Purpose of collection of personal information

    We collect personal information to deliver, review and improve the services that we provide. Generally, these services and products relate to speech therapy allied health services.

    More specifically, we need personal information (including health information) to provide clients with speech therapy services which include the assessment, diagnosis and management of speech therapy services. We also need this information:

    • for administrative purposes of managing our business;

    • when necessary, to fulfil our obligations under law, regulation, the NDIS Code and/or our professional ethics rules.

    • for billing management (either directly or through insurers or other compensation agencies);

    • for discussions between workers related to the care of clients;

    • for discussions and other communications

    • for discussions with insurers (including the NDIS and its agents);

    • for any insurance or compensation or other claims or litigation (including threatened litigation);

    • for security and workplace safety purposes, e.g., to monitor the safety of participants, workers and others; and

    • From time to time, we may use personal information (but not sensitive health information) to provide you with news or offers about our products or services that may be of interest to you. We will ensure that your consent to receive this type of communication from us is opt-in, affirmative and freely given. These products and services will be related to our services described above and will be products and services that we believe will be relevant to you.

    • You have a right, at any time, to tell us that you don’t want to receive this type of material.

  4. Privacy and confidentiality

    Neuronaut is totally committed to comply with the Privacy requirements of the Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles and for Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) as required by organisations providing disability services, also we are fully committed to comply with the consent requirements of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

    All individuals will have access to information about the privacy of their personal information:

    • Individuals have the right to request access to their personal records by requesting this with their contact person

    • Where we are required to report to government funding bodies, the information provided is non-identifiable and related to services and supports hours provided, age, disability, language and nationality

    • Personal information will only be used by staff members for the care of the client and will not be shared with other parties without individuals’ permission unless required by law (e.g. reporting assault, abuse, neglect, or where a court order is issued).

  5. How we hold personal information:

    We store information using electronic record keeping methods in secure databases (including trusted third party storage providers based in Australia and overseas).

    Personal information may be collected in paper-based documents and converted to electronic form for use or storage (with the original paper-based documents either archived or securely destroyed).

    We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

    We maintain physical security over paper and electronic data stores, such as through locks and security systems at our premises.

    Our websites do not necessarily use encryption or other technologies to ensure the secure transmission of information via the internet.

    Users of our websites are encouraged to exercise care in sending personal information via the internet.

  6. Security of information

    At the clinic, we ensure at all times employees and participants personal information is protected from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

    Participants can have access to their personal information and it only be disclosed with the staff involved in their therapy plans.

    Security for personal information at the clinic includes, password protection for IT systems, locked filling cabinets and physical access restrictions with only authorised personnel permitted access.

    Personal information no longer required is securely destroyed or de-identified.

  7. Access and correction

    You are entitled to access your personal information held by us on request.

    To request access to your personal information please contact our privacy officer using the contact details set out below.

    We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

    You can help us to do this by letting us know if you notice errors or discrepancies in information we hold about you and letting us know if your personal details change.

    However, if you consider any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, out- of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading you are entitled to request correction of the information. After receiving a request from you, we will take reasonable steps to correct your information.

    We may decline your request to access or correct your personal information in certain circumstances in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

    If we do refuse your request, we will provide you with a reason for our decision and, in the case of a request for correction, we will include a statement with your personal information about the requested correction.

  8. How to contact us about privacy

    If you have any queries, or if you seek access to your personal information, or if you have a complaint about our privacy practices, you can contact on the Disability Trust on:

    8.1. Alternative Communication Methods - hearing/speech impairments

    If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, National Relay Services (NRS) makes it easier for you to contact The Disability Trust on:

    • Freecall 13 3677 (Voice and TTY) for all calls within Australia

    • Freecall 1800 555 677 (Voice and TTY) for all calls within Australia to 1800 numbers

    8.2. Alternative Communication Methods - for Non-English speakers

    Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National can provide telephone and onsite interpreters for non English speakers to help you access The Disability Trust on:

    • Telephone: 131 450

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